These Terms and Conditions apply to regulate the generation and reissuance of online debit card PIN offered by Shivalik Small Finance Bank to Accountholder
These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) shall be in addition to any other terms as stipulated by the Bank from time to time.
Issue Of Atm/Debit Card To Holder(S)
Personal Identification Number (Pin)
To enable the Cardholder to use the Card, a Cardholder can generate the Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the first instance via. any of the prescribed channels. Bank exercises utmost careand caution when issuing the PIN/s and ensures to the maximum extent possible, that thesameisnot disclosed to anyone except the Cardholder. This PIN may subsequently, be changed by the Cardholder, at his/her own risk, through internet banking, mobile banking, Shivalik Small Finance Bank ATM s or at Bank website.
The Cardholder acknowledges, represents and warrants that:
Exclusion from liability: Subject to the provisions stated herein and as specified by Bank fromtimeto time,
Notification Of Changes
The Bank has the absolute discretion to withdraw the service thereby provided or amendorsupplement any of the above terms and conditions at any time without prior noticetotheCardholder. All authorizations and power conferred on the Bank are irrevocable.
Governing Laws
Any dispute or difference arising between the Cardholder and Bank shall be referredtothearbitration of a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the bank in accordance with the Arbitrationand conciliation act 1996 and rules framed thereunder. The venue for conducting the arbitrationproceeding shall be at Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. The language of the arbitrationshall beEnglish or Hindi. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The cost of such arbitration shall be borne by the losing party or parties or otherwiseasdetermined in the arbitration award. If a party is required to enforce an arbitration awardbylegal action of any kind, the party against whom such legal action is taken shall payall reasonable costs and expenses and attorney fees, including any cost of additional litigationorarbitration taken by the party seeking to enforce the award.
Copyright © 2025 Shivalik Small Finance Bank. All Rights Reserved. Site updated on 09/02/25 .
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