Shivalik Small Finance Bank has adopted the following policy, in respect of handling customer complaints/grievances, With a view to ensure consistent superior service experience, the Bank shall provide a responsive, fair, expeditious and customer-centric complaint management procedures to all external customers.
In view of above the Bank shall:
The objective of the policy is to:
The Policy will be applicable to all customers including customers from rural/SHG background.
Customer Complaints Resolution Process
Ways of Contacting the Bank
At Shivalik, we are committed for providing the best customer service. Still if any point the customer feels uncomfortable in any situation, he can get in touch with us by different ways.
In person
Visit the Branch and speak to any official or can drop in the complaint in the complaint box or can get the complaint filed in the register
Can send “UNHAPPY” message on 9266680802
In writing
Can send the email on
Bank’s Website
Customer can log in the complaint by writing in the “complaints/suggestion” link available in the homepage of the Bank’s website
Three Level Grievance Redressal Mechanism
Level 1: Branch a Manager/Customer Care
Level 2: Nodal Officer
Level 3: Principal Nodal Officer (PNO)
Internal Ombudsman of the Bank:
The Internal Ombudsman (IO) is an independent authority and is not a Shivalik Small Finance Bank employee. The Internal Ombudsman of the Bank is a retired or serving officer, not below the rank of General Manager or equivalent of another bank/Financial Sector Regulatory Body, NBSP / NBFC / CIC having necessary experience of minimum seven years of working in areas such as banking, non banking finance , regulation, supervision, payment, and settlement systems, credit information and/or consumer protection. The Internal Ombudsman will deal only with the complaints that have already been examined by the Bank’s internal grievance redressal mechanism and have been partly or wholly rejected by the bank. Complaints related to frauds, misappropriation, etc. except those resulting from of deficiency in service and cases pending at fora such as consumer forum, courts cases, debt recovery, etc. would not be examined by the IO. The decision of Internal Ombudsman shall be binding on the Bank. In case of disagreement with the Internal Ombudsman’s decision, the Bank may obtain approval of the /Managing Direction/CEO in charge of customer service of the Bank. All such cases shall be subsequently reviewed by the Customer Service Committee of the Board.
Escalation to Regulator Reserve Bank of India – Banking Ombudsman Scheme:
If the customer’s complaint is not resolved within the given timeline of one month, or if customer is not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Bank, they can approach Banking Ombudsman with their complaint. Details of Banking Ombudsman are already displayed at branches and on Bank’s website
Shivalik Follows This Golden Rule “First Contact Is the Last Contact for the Customer”
Time Frame and Nature of Feedback
Complaint Reference Number
Bank shall record the complaints with a reference number and shall provide the same to customers immediately at the time of reporting the complaint.
Internal Machinery to Handle Complaints/Grievances
(A) Customer Service Committee of the Board
The Committee would examine any other issues having a bearing on the quality of customer service rendered. This Committee would also review the functioning of Standing Committee on Customer Service. This committee of the Board would be responsible for formulation of a Comprehensive Deposit Policy incorporating the issues such as the treatment of death of a depositor for operations of his account, the product approval process and the annual survey of depositor satisfaction and the tri-annual audit of such services. Bank will place all the awards given by the Banking Ombudsman before the Customer Service Committee of the Board, to enable them to address issues of systemic deficiencies existing in the Bank, if any, brought out by the awards.
(B) Standing Committee on customer service
The Standing Committee on customer service will be chaired by the Managing Director/CEO of the bank. Besides two to three senior executives of the bank, the committee would also have two to three eminent non-executives drawn from the public as members. The committee would have the following functions.
Nodal/Principal Officer for Handling Customer Services and Complaints
Bank has appointed a senior officer of the bank as Nodal/Principal officer who will be responsible for implementation of customer services and complaints resolution in the entire Bank. The details of the Nodal officer will be displayed in every branch and Bank website
Customer Service Committee in Branches
Each Branch would have a Service Committee comprising of senior members of the Branch team, viz. Branch Head, Branch Operations Manager etc. The Committee will sit on monthly basis for review. The functions of the Committee are:
Mandatory Displays
It is mandatory for the bank to provide
Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaints
Staff should be made aware of the complaints handling and properly trained for handling complaints. We are dealing with people and hence difference of opinion and areas of friction can arise. It would be the responsibility of the Principal Nodal Officer/ Nodal Officer to ensure that internal machinery for handling complaints/grievances operates smoothly and efficiently at all levels. The PNO/NO should give feedback on training needs of staff at various levels to the HR Dept. Shivalik bank Staff managing customers to be trained on complaint management and Grievance Redressal aspect right from initial induction phase. Periodic reinforcements should be done for effective resolution of issues.
Interaction with customers
The bank recognizes that customer’s expectation/requirement/grievances can be better appreciated through personal interaction with customers by bank’s staff. Periodic customer meetings will give a message to the customers that the bank cares for them and values their feedback/suggestions for improvement in customer service. Many of the complaints arise on account of lack of awareness among customers about bank services and such interactions will help the customers appreciate banking services better. As for the bank the feedback from customers would be valuable input for revising its product and services to meet customer requirements.
Amendment of the Policy
Any amendments to this policy will be approved by the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Bank.Any changes to the policy will be approved internally through the relevant Board approved committee. The policy as a rule will be reviewed at the Board level once a year. If there is a major change made, it will be ratified by the Board in the next meeting.
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