Shivalik Small Finance Bank offers high levels of service to its customers. In the event, for some reason beyond the control of the bank or inadvertently, the bank is unable to meet the service levels committed in the dealings with individual customer, this compensation policy will be applicable. The policy is based on the principles of transparency and fairness in the treatment of customers.
The objective of this policy is to establish a system whereby the bank compensates a customer for any financial loss he/she may incur due to deficiency of service on the part of bank or any omission or commission directly attributable to bank. It is reiterated that the policy covers only compensation for financial losses in real terms for specific value which the customer might incur due to deficiency of the services offered by the bank which can be measured directly and as such the commitments under this policy are without prejudice to any right the bank will have in defending its position before any forum duly constituted to adjudicate the banker customer disputes. The policy does not cover and is not applicable in respect of claims made by customer on account of opportunity losses or damages or claims for reputational loss. The Compensation Policy is therefore, designed to cover areas relating to unauthorized debiting of account, payment of interest to customer for delayed collection of cheques/instruments, payment of cheques after acknowledgment of stop payment instructions, remittances within India, foreign exchange services etc.
Areas covered in the compensation policy of the Bank
Un-authorized/Erroneous Debit
If the bank has raised an un-authorized/Erroneous direct debit to an account, the below mentioned steps will be followed by the bank.
Debit Towards Service Charges
The bank would debit the customer’s account with any applicable service charge as per the General Schedule of Features and Charges (GSFC) notified by it. In the event, the bank levies any charges in violation of the arrangement, it will reverse the same when pointed out by the customer subject to verification of the agreed terms and conditions. Any consequential financial loss to the customer will be compensated as per Para “3.1” above.
Payment of Cheques After Acknowledgment of Stop Payment Instructions
In case a cheque is paid after stop payment instruction is received and acknowledged by the Bank and there are no subsequent and contradictory instructions received by the bank, the Bank shall reverse the transaction and give value-dated credit to protect the interest of the customer. Any consequential financial loss to the customer will be provided to the customer under Para a above. Such debits will be reversed after ascertaining the facts within 7 working days of the customer intimating the Bank.
In terms of the RBI guidelines on payment of interest/penalties for instances of delay in affording credits/returns of RTGS/NEFT/NECS/ECS/ACH/IMPS transactions, Bank undertakes to afford the credits to destination account holders or return the instruction to the remitting bank within the prescribed timeline. In cases where it is not possible to afford the credits to the beneficiary account within the prescribed timeline without any valid reasons, the customer will be compensated for the delayed period of credit at the rate of RBI LAF repo rate + 2% .
Faliure to Execute Direct Debit/ECS Debit/Standing Instruction/ACH
The Bank undertakes to carry out Direct Debits/ECS/ACH Debits/Standing Instructions of customers in time subject to the following:
In case of failure to carry out the instructions subject to the aforesaid clauses and for reasons directly attributable to Bank, the Bank will compensate the customer as per Para a above.
Erroneous Debits Arising On Account Of Unauthorized Banking Transactions (Fraudulent Transaction)
The following is laid down for all fraud cases:
Violation of The Codes By Bank’s Agent
In the event of receipt of any complaint from the customer that the Bank’s representative/BCA/courier or DSA has engaged in any improper conduct or acted in violation of the Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers, which the Bank has adopted voluntarily, the Bank will take appropriate steps to investigate and to handle the complaint and to compensate the customer for direct financial loss (if any), subject to the customer providing proper supporting document for having incurred the loss. This is also applicable to sale of Third-Party Products by Bank staff.
Delay in release of Securities/Documents/Title Deeds
The original security documents of the title should be returned to the borrower within 30 days of full repayment/settlement of loan account. The bank will release all the original movable / immovable property documents and remove charges registered with any registry within a period of 30 days after full repayment/ settlement of the loan outstanding/loan obligations. In case of delay in releasing of original movable / immovable property documents or failing to file charge satisfaction form with relevant registry beyond 30 days after full repayment/ settlement of loan, the RE shall communicate to the borrower reasons for such delay. In case where the delay is attributable to the RE, it shall compensate the borrower at the rate of ₹5,000/- for each day of delay. In case of loss/damage to original movable / immovable property documents, either in part or in full, the bank will assist the borrower in obtaining duplicate/certified copies of the movable / immovable property documents and will bear the associated costs, in addition to paying compensation as indicated above. However, in such cases, bank will complete the required procedures with an additional time of 30 days and the delayed period penalty will be calculated thereafter (i.e., after a total period of 60 days). The compensation provided under these directions shall be without prejudice to the rights of a borrower to get any other compensation as per any applicable law. However, in case of Force Majeure events, the Bank at its own cost would endeavor to retrieve/recreate the title documents and no compensation would be paid in such cases.
Foreign Exchange Services
Payment of Interest for delayed credits (Foreign Inward Remittances and Not Foreign Currency Cheques) - Compensation will be paid as per FEDAI Rules 10th edition published on March 11th, 2019. As per rule 4.5, in case foreign inward remittance, Bank shall make payment or send intimation, as the case may be, to the beneficiary in two working days from the date of receipt of credit advice/nostro statement. In case of delay, the bank shall pay the beneficiary interest @ 2% above the savings account interest rate. The bank shall also pay compensation for adverse movement of exchange rate, if any, as per the compensation policy.
Compensation in case of unauthorized electronic banking transactions
(A) Zero liability of a customer
A customer’s entitlement to zero liability shall arise where the unauthorized transactions in the following cases:
(B) Limited liability of a customer
A customer shall be liable for the loss occurring due to unauthorized transactions in the following cases:
Within 3 working days
Zero liability
Within 4 to 7 working days
The transaction value or the amount mentioned in the above table, whichever is lower
Beyond 7 working days
As per bank’s Board approved Policy:
Up to 50% of the claim amount , CEO’s approval is required.
Above 50% to 75% of the claim amount, EC approval is required.
Above 75%, Board’s approval is required.
(C) Reversal Timeline for Zero Liability/Limited Liability
On being notified by the customer, the bank shall credit (shadow reversal) the amount involved in the unauthorized electronic transaction to the customer’s account within 10 working days from the date of such notification by the customer (without waiting for settlement of insurance claim, if any). The credit shall be value dated to be as of the date of the unauthorized transaction.
Further, bank ensures that:
Harmonisation of Turn Around Time (TAT) and customer compensation for failed transactions using authorised Payment Systems
A ‘failed transaction’ is a transaction which has not been fully completed due to any reason not attributable to the customer such as failure in communication links, non-availability of cash in an ATM, time-out of sessions, etc. Failed transactions shall also include the credits which could not be effected to the beneficiary account on account of lack of full information or lack of proper information and delay in initiating a reversal transaction. Reversal timelines of such type of transactions along with compensation, if not done within prescribed timelines, may be referred as per appended sheet:
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) includingMicro-ATMs
Customer’s account debited but cash notdispensed
Pro-active reversal (R) offailed transaction within amaximum of T + 5 days.
₹ 100/- per day ofdelay beyond T + 5days, to the credit ofthe account holder.
Card to card transferCard account debited but the beneficiary cardaccount notcredited.
Transaction to be reversedlatest within T + 1 day, ifcredit is not effected to thebeneficiary account.
₹ 100/- per day of delaybeyond T + 1 day.
Point of Sale (PoS) (Card Present) including Cashat PoSAccount debited but confirmation not received atmerchant location i.e., charge-slip not generated.
Auto-reversal within T + 5days.
₹ 100/- per day of delaybeyond T + 5 days.
Card Not Present (CNP) (e-commerce)Account debited but confirmation not received atmerchant’s system.
Account debited but the beneficiary account is notcredited.
If unable to credit tobeneficiary account, autoreversal (R) by theBeneficiary bank latest on T+ 1 day.
₹100/- per day if delay isbeyond T + 1 day.
Account debited but the beneficiary account is notcredited (transfer of funds).
If unable to credit the beneficiary account, auto reversal (R) by the Beneficiary bank latest on T + 1 day.
Account debited but transaction confirmation notreceived at merchant location (payment tomerchant).
₹100/- per day if delay isbeyond T + 5 days.
Account debited but transaction confirmation notreceived at merchant location.
Acquirer to initiate “CreditAdjustment” within T + 5days.
Account debited but beneficiary account notcredited.
Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account.
Beneficiary bank to reversethe transaction within T + 1day.
Delay in crediting beneficiary’s account or reversalof amount.
Beneficiary bank to reversethe uncredited transactionwithin T + 1 day.
Account debited despite revocation of debitmandate with the bank by the customer.
Customer’s bank will beresponsible for such debit.Resolution to be completedwithin T + 1 day.
Off-Us transactionThe transaction will ride on UPI, card network, IMPS, etc., as the case may be. The TAT and compensationrule of respective system shall apply.
On-Us transactionBeneficiary’s PPI not credited. PPI debited buttransactionconfirmation not received at merchant location.
Reversal effected inRemitter’s account within T+ 1 day.
Note: T is the day of transaction and refers to the calendar date.R is the day on which the reversal is concluded and the funds are received by the issuer / originator
Updation/Rectification of credit information
As per compensation framework for delayed updation / rectification of credit information, a complainant shall be entitled to a compensation of ₹100 per calendar day in case their complaint is not resolved within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the initial filing of the complaint by the complainant with a bank/ credit information company(CIC). Bank shall be liable to pay ₹100/- per day in case failed to send updated credit information to Credit Information Companies or complainant by making appropriate correction or addition or otherwise within 21 working days of intimation by complainant or Credit Information Companies.
In effect, this would mean that a bank would get twenty-one (21) days and CICs would effectively get the remainder of nine (9) days for complete resolution of the complaint. Compensation to be provided by the CICs/ Banks to the complainant shall be apportioned among the Bank/ CICs concerned proportionately. This compensation framework should be effective from date of implementation of RBI circular on framework for compensation to customers for delayed updation/ rectification of credit information.
Force Majeure
The Bank shall not be liable to compensate customers for delayed credit if some unforeseen event (including but not limited to civil commotion, sabotage, lockout, accident, fires, natural disasters or other “Acts of God”, war, damage to the Bank’s facilities or of its correspondent bank(s), etc., beyond the control of the Bank, which prevents it from performing its obligations within the specified service delivery parameters.
Customer’s Responsibility
Disclaimer Clause
Notwithstanding anything contained here above, the Bank shall not pay any compensation in the following cases: -
Amendment/Modification of the Policy
Any changes to the policy will be approved internally through the relevant Board approved committee. The policy as a rule will be reviewed at the Board level once a year. If there is a major change made, it will be ratified by the Board in the next meeting
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