Code of Conduct for the Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) is a non-statutory code issued by Indian Banks' Association, a voluntary association of Banks in India for adoption and implementation by DSAs while operating as agents of Banks and Financial Institutions.
The Code is and is deemed to be adopted and included in the Agreement between Shivalik Small Finance Bank and the DSA. This code will apply to all persons involved in marketing and distribution of any loan or other financial product of the Shivalik Small Finance Bank. The Direct Selling Agent (DSA)/Direct Selling Team (DST)/agent and its Tele-Marketing Executives (TMEs) & field sales personnel, namely, Business Development Executives (BDEs) must agree to abide by this code prior to undertaking any direct marketing operation on behalf of Shivalik Small Finance Bank. Any TME/BDE found to be violating this code may be blacklisted and such action taken be reported to the bank from time to time by the DSA. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in permanent termination of business of the DSA with Shivalik Small Finance Bank and may even lead to permanent blacklisting by the industry.
Tele-calling a Prospect (a prospective customer)
A prospect is to be contacted for sourcing a bank product or bank related product only under the following circumstances:
The TME should not call a person whose name/number is flagged in any "do not disturb" list made available to him/her.
When you may contact a prospect on telephone
Telephonic contact must normally be limited between 0930 Hrs. and 1900 Hrs. However, it may be ensured that a prospect is contacted only when the call is not expected to inconvenience him/her. Calls earlier or later than the prescribed time period may be placed only under the following conditions:
Can the prospect's interest be discussed with anybody else?
DSA should respect a prospect's privacy. The prospect's interest may normally be discussed only with the prospect and any other individual/family member such as prospect's accountant/secretary/spouse, authorized by the prospect.
Leaving messages and contacting persons other than the prospect
Calls must first be placed to the prospect. In the event the prospect is not available, a message may be left for him/her. The aim of the message should be to get the prospect to return the call or to check for a convenient time to call again. Ordinarily, such messages may be restricted to:
No misleading statements/misrepresentations permitted TME/BDE should not:
Telemarketing Etiquette's
No calls prior to 0930 Hrs. or post 1900 Hrs. unless specifically requested
During Call
Post Call
Gifts or bribes
TME/BDE's must not accept gifts from prospects or bribes of any kind. Any TME/BDE offered a bribe or payment of any kind by a customer must report the offer to his/her management.
Precautions to be taken on visits/contacts
Respect personal space - maintain adequate distance from the prospect
Other important aspects - Appearance & Dress Code
BDE's must be appropriately dressed:
For men this means
down For women this means
Handling of letters & other communication
Any communication sent to the prospect should be only in the mode and format approved by the Bank.
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