Background and Scope
“Shivalik Small Finance Bank “(“the Bank”) is the first cooperative bank in the country to get an SFB license. The Bank is witnessing an increase in business volumes, transformation across various segments, development and introduction of new products, cross selling of products and extensive use of technology in banking.
In pursuit of growth and efficiencies, the Bank outsources certain functions to specialized agencies or person/s, so that they can be performed more efficiently and at lower costs while ensuring adequate controls at the banks end.
‘Outsourcing’ may be defined as a bank's use of a third party (either an affiliated entity within the corporate group or an entity that is external to the corporate group) to perform activities on a continuing basis that would normally be undertaken by the bank itself, now or in the future. Continuing basis would include agreements for a limited period.
While outsourcing can help manage costs, provide expertise, expand product offerings, and improve services, it also results in banks being exposed to various risks which management should address. The board and the senior management are responsible for understanding the risks associated with outsourcing arrangements and ensuring that effective risk management policies and practices are in place to manage the risk in outsourcing activities. This policy document lays down the framework adopted by the bank for reviewing and approving outsourcing of financial & IT services.
Outsourcing risk is the risk of financial loss, regulatory fines, legal claims, reputation damage, loss of integrity of data, deliverables dilution due to problems with outsourced activities or disputes with service providers or vendors caused by inadequate due diligence or failing governance over the outsourced process.
This policy has been framed in line with the guidelines issued by the RBI from time to time including Guidance on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services by banks issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on November 3, 2006, and March 11, 2015 & Draft Master Direction on Outsourcing of IT Services dated 23.06.2022.
The guidelines on managing risks and code of conduct in outsourcing of financial & IT services by banks laid down by the Reserve Bank of India are concerned with managing risks in outsourcing of financial & IT services. While deciding on scope of activities to be outsourced, the following considerations should be kept in purview:
Such outsourced activities should be covered under a Service Agreement spelling out the responsibilities and liabilities of the vendor.
Audit related assignments to relevant competent firms, for example Chartered Accountant firms/ Cert-In empaneled auditor will continue to be governed by the instructions/policy laid down by the Audit Dept.
The policy will also exclude activities not related to banking services like usage of courier, catering of staff, housekeeping and janitorial services, security of the premises, movement and archiving of records etc.
The policy would be reviewed annually or as and when considered necessary by the Board.
In pursuit of growth and efficiencies, it is imperative that certain functions are outsourced which can be performed by specialized agencies more effectively, efficiently, and at lower costs. Banks should ensure that outsourcing arrangements neither diminish their ability to fulfil its obligations to customers nor impede effective supervision by the supervising authority. The Outsourcing Policy of the Bank aims at the following:
Key Definitions and Terms
Governance Structure
Board of Directors
Roles and Responsibilities of the Board will include the following:
Responsibility of Senior Management
Senior management shall be responsible for following:
Committee for Approval of Outsourcing Proposals
Operational Risk Management Committee shall assess, quantify, and review the risk mitigations measures being put in place for outsourced financial and technology services irrespective of the materiality.
The Committee will also ensure the following aspects of outsourcing arrangements in the bank. Develop and implement sound and prudent Outsourcing Policy and procedures commensurate with the nature, scope, and complexity of outsourcing activities.
Due Diligence Measures for Outsource Activity
Comprehensive due diligence on the nature, scope and complexity of the outsourcing should be performed. Identify the key risk and risk mitigation strategies. e.g., in case of technology the state of security practices and controls environment offered by the service provider is a key factor.
Outsourcing agreement should include oversight and management of third-party vendor’s/ service providers & partners as a due diligence measure the agreement should also have at least following provisions.
Due diligence of service provider
During the process of negotiating/ renewing an Outsourcing arrangement due diligence should be performed to assess the capability of the service provider to comply with obligations in the outsourcing agreement. Due diligence should involve an evaluation of all information about the service provider including qualitative, quantitative, financial, operational, and reputational factors as follows:
The extent of due diligence reviews may vary based on risk inherent in the outsourcing arrangements. Due diligence undertaken during the selection process should be documented and re-performed periodically as part of the monitoring and control processes of outsourcing. Outsourcing and Vendor risk management team should ensure to obtain independent reviews and market feedback to supplement internal findings. Outsourcing and Vendor risk management team should ensure that information used for due diligence is current and not more than 12 months old.
Every department shall carry out an annual assessment of their vendors to whom payment made is more than INR 10 lakhs per year.
Responsible Unit
A unit proposing the outsourcing arrangement is the responsible unit.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Responsibilities of DSA/DMA and Recovery Agents
Common Areas of Outsourcing
Financial and Technology Outsourcing - Outsourcing Arrangements, which would ideally have been carried out by Bank in normal course, being entrusted to other agency due to a specific reason. All financial and Technology Services outsourcing would be under the purview of the policy irrespective of its material impact. Typical activities under financial outsourcing and technology operations includes:
Banking Operations
Technology Operations
Any other activity deemed fit & which is in consonance with the regulatory directives.
Prohibitions and Restrictions to Outsourcing
Core Business Functions are functions which are vital functions without which an organization cannot survive and/ or effectively achieve its objectives. These functions are specific to organization and help it differentiate from competition and involve decision making at the highest levels. These functions may include functions like Business Strategy, Pricing -, Product Design and Management, Management of Intellectual Property. Board may approve outsourcing of core business activities or functions on the basis the business benefits after Risk Management committee has evaluated associated risks and other factors as laid down in the policy.
Key Risks Involved in Outsourcing and Control Standards for Mitigation
Outsourcing arrangements can be a source of several risks. The failure of a service provider in providing specialized service, a breach in security / confidentiality, or noncompliance with legal and regulatory requirements by either the service provider or the Bank can lead to financial losses or loss of reputation. It is imperative to ensure effective management of these risks.
The key risks in outsourcing that need to be evaluated are:
Strategic Risk
The service provider may conduct business on its own behalf, which is inconsistent with the overall strategic goals of the bank.
At the time of selection of the service provider the responsible unit must do a thorough background check on the conduct of business of the service provider. The responsible unit must document this explicitly and provide for the review of the ORMC. The committee must provide approval for empanelment of the service provider only if the strategy of the service provider is in line with the strategic goals of the Bank
Reputational Risk
Poor service from service provider to the Bank's customer and customer interaction experience not being consistent with the overall standards of the bank
The responsible unit must ensure that the service provider's staff is adequately trained about the Bank's customer relationship policies and guidelines. The outsourced staff must not let the customer know about this third-party relationship with the Bank and work like employees of the Bank itself. Any sort of negative publicity about the service provider must be brought to the notice of the approval committee by the responsible unit.
Operational Risk
Risk of technology failure, fraud, transactional error, inadequate financial capacity to fulfil obligations and/or provide remedies.
The empanelment of the service provider must be done through a bidding process and the responsible unit must provide all the relevant information and genuine documents to the ORMC. The final decision to empanel the service provider must lie completely with the ORMC
Legal Risk
Legal risk includes but is not limited to exposure to fines, penalties, or punitive damages resulting from supervisory actions, as well as private settlements due to omissions and commissions of the service provider.
The ORMC must thoroughly check all the documents provided by the responsible unit. The legal team of the Bank must review the outsourcing agreement for any onerous clauses and ensure that the Bank's interest is taken into consideration while documenting the agreement.
Counter Party Risk
Risk arising due to inappropriate under writing and credit assessments
The Bank must mitigate this risk by following the approval process entirely for empanelment of service provider. The responsible unit must ensure that credit assessments and ratings of the service provider are good enough for the ORMC to take the decision on empanelment.
Contractual Risk
Contractual risk arising from whether or not the bank has the ability to enforce the contract.
The outsourcing agreement must be documented with the consent of the approval committee and the legal team by taking into consideration the interest of the Bank and its customers.
Concentration and Systemic Risk
Due to lack of control of individual banks over a service provider, more so when overall banking industry has considerable exposure to one service provider.
The responsible unit must ensure that all material processes are not outsourced to the same service provider and banking operations will not be affected even if one service provider is unable to provide the services.
Exit Strategy Risk
This could arise from over-reliance on one firm, the loss of relevant skills in the bank itself preventing it from bringing the activity back in house and contracts entered into wherein speedy exits would be prohibitively expensive.
The responsible unit and ORMC together must arrive at the decision of empanelling service providers for various outsourced services in the Bank. The employees of the Bank must also be well trained to take over the activities of the vendor staff when the service provider separates from the Bank
Compliance Risk
Privacy, consumer, and prudential laws not complied with
The responsible unit must evaluate if the service provider has complied with all the prudential laws applicable to it.
Risk Management Framework for Outsourcing of IT Services
Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan (IT Services)
Materiality of Outsourcing
The risk and materiality of any outsourcing arrangement shall be identified and evaluated prior to entering any outsourcing arrangement by the responsible unit. The extent and degree to which this policy is implemented is expected to be commensurate with the materiality of the outsourcing.
As most of the items are operational in nature the responsibility to assess, quantify, and review the risk mitigations measures that needs to be put in place for outsourced financial and technology services irrespective of the materiality brought to Operational Risk Management Committee.
The Unit shall without limitation consider the following factors while assessing materiality of any outsourcing arrangement:
Refer Annexure 1 for template to assess ‘Materiality of Outsourcing’.
Governance for Material Outsourcing Activities:
If the activity to be outsourced is rated as material as per the materiality assessment template, the following additional measures should be adhered to:
The ORMC may recommend a more frequent performance review of the service provider as per Section. 9.3.3 of the Policy.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan
As far as possible, the outsourcing activities should be allocated to different service providers depending on the business requirements such that system will not become dependent on single service provider at any given point of time. The aggregate exposure to a particular service provider should be taken into account in case various activities are handled by a particular service provider. In order to manage and minimize Operational Risk, the service provider should have an effective internal control function commensurate with the level of perceived risk. It will be the responsibility of the committee to ensure these aspects before awarding contract to the service provider.
In order to mitigate the risk of unexpected termination of the outsourcing agreement or liquidation of the service provider, the Bank shall retain an appropriate level of control over the outsourcing arrangements and the right to intervene with appropriate measures to continue its business operations in such cases without incurring prohibitive expenses and without any break in the operations of the Bank and its services to the customer.
Outsourcing often leads to sharing of facilities operated by the service provider. The Bank shall ensure that service providers are able to isolate the Bank’s documents, information, records, and other assets. This is to ensure that in adverse conditions, all documents, records of transactions and information given to the service provider and assets of the Bank, can be removed from the possession of the service provider in order to continue its business operations.
Outsourcing Process
Criteria for selection of activities to be outsourced
The following criteria would be applied while determining the activities to be outsourced:
Approval Process
Outsourcing arrangements related to financial activities are placed before the ORMC for approval by the proposer of outsourcing arrangement post obtaining sign off from review and recommendation departments.
The Bank shall adhere to the following process for both new / renewal arrangements:
Proposer of Outsourcing Arrangement
Department Head / Product Head
Review and Recommendation Departments
Risk Management, and Compliance Departments
The proposer of outsourcing arrangement shall initiate the outsourcing note that would provide the following details:
The proposer of outsourcing arrangement would discuss the outsourcing note with the ‘recommendation departments’ and obtain concurrence from head of departments before placing the note to the ORMC for approval.
The ORMC after due deliberations, may carry out one of the following actions:
The ORMC decisions must be based on consensus and shall be documented by way of physical sign off from all committee members participating. The decision of the committee, along with modifications suggested / reasons for rejection or deferment shall be appropriately recorded at the time of the meeting by the business / operations department in a standard template and circulated to all members via email. After obtaining approval from the ORMC, respective departments would be responsible for implementing the decision by floating RFP or identifying service providers to obtain quotation.
Evaluation of Service Provider
Pre-outsourcing Assessment
Selection of service provider will be ensured through due diligence and review of the following parameters by the responsible unit:
Every service provider eligible to apply for the outsourcing arrangement will be required to submit requisite documents in the prescribed format as described by the bank from time to time.
The Outsourcing Agreement
The terms and conditions governing the contract between the service provider and the bank should be carefully defined in written agreement and vetted by the Legal department for legal effect and enforceability. The agreement should address the risk and risk mitigation strategies considered by the Bank and should be sufficiently flexible to allow the unit to retain an appropriate level of control over the outsourcing and the right to intervene to ensure legal and regulatory obligations.
The concerned head of business / operations department is authorized to execute the agreement as per the standard format. Additions/deletions of any clause from the standard agreement, if any, due to business specific reasons, would be carried out in consultation with the approval of the Head of Legal.
Refer Annexure 2 for details of key sections that should be part of the outsourcing agreement, at minimum.
Monitoring and Control of Outsourced Activities
Periodic Evaluation of Service Provider
On an annual basis or shorter intervals, if need be, the ORMC will perform a review of the service provider to assess the financial and operational condition, performance during the year and re-assess the capabilities of the service provider/vendor on the basis of:
The ORMC will be authorized to amend and suitably lay down evaluation criteria from time to time. The ORMC on a periodic basis may also authorize surprise checks and audits of the service provider any authorized personnel from the Bank.
In case the service provider does not perform satisfactorily during the period, the bank may decide to terminate the agreement in line with the clauses of the agreement executed with the service provider. The bank would maintain a list of terminated agencies and promoters. In case of termination of vendor, the compliance department will intimate the Indian Banking Association (IBA) with the reasons for terminations.
Other Regulatory Requirements
The following regulatory requirements are to be fulfilled by the relevant departments before outsourcing an activity to the service provider.
All products literature/ brochures etc. should have a clause stating that Bank may use the services of agents in sales/ marketing etc., of the products. The role of agents, if any should also be indicated in broad terms.
Reporting to ORMC
The status of all outsourcing contracts will be reported to ORMC on a periodic basis by the Compliance department.
Refer Annexure 3 for details to be reported to ORMC.
Internal Audit of Service Provider
The internal audit department would ensure regular audits to assess the adequacy of risk management practices adopted in overseeing and managing the outsourcing arrangement, the Bank’s compliance with its risk management framework and the requirements of these guidelines.
The Internal Audit department would prepare Annual Compliance Certificate giving particulars of outsourcing contracts, prescribed periodicity of audit, major findings and action taken and place it before the Board for approval. The Annual Compliance is to be submitted to RBI in the prescribed format on or before June 30th of the year. Refer Annexure 4 for prescribed format.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
The Grievance Redressal Mechanism of customers coming through partner of the Bank should be ruled as per Grievance Redressal policy of the Bank approved on 14th June 2021.
Confidentiality and Security
Annexure 1: Materiality Assessment Template
Name of the activity:
Description of the Activity:
Proposer of Outsourcing Arrangement:
Date of Assessment:
I. Customer
Will the outsourcing activity require the service provider to face the customer on behalf of the Bank?
Will the activity require the service provider to handle customer(s) financial instruments/contract documents directly on behalf of the Bank?
Is the service provider the only customer contact for the particular activity?
II. Regulatory
Are there any specific regulatory guidelines required to be followed for this activity other than the RBI guidelines on Outsourcing?
Does the activity require the Bank to share customer information with the outsourced service provider or whether it impacts on data privacy/security norms?
Are there any adverse comments made by RBI or internal audit issues (open level 1 or level 2 issues) in their last inspection/audit on outsourcing of the activity or any service provider performing this activity?
III. Exposure
Will the failure of the service provider to perform this activity directly affects the income of the business group?
Will the outsourcing of this activity have an impact on the solvency, liquidity, funding, and capital of the Bank?
Cost of outsourcing of this activity (annualized) – value of the contract, fees to be paid to the outsourced agency, etc. (A)
Please put the value in INR lakh
Total operating cost of the Bank (B)
Is the percentage of A on B greater than 2%?
IV. Concentration
Is there only a particular service provider available for this activity?
V. Brand Reputation
Will the failure or inadequate performance of the service provider impact the brand value/ reputation of the Bank?
Any adverse national level media report or strictures from the High Court or above or any financial sector regulator in the past six months against the activity?
VI. Criticality (over-riding factors)
Will the failure or inadequate performance by the service provider have a material impact in meeting its obligations to its stakeholders (customers, regulators, and investors) including adverse impact on the customer service?
Will the failure or inadequate performance by the service provider have a material impact in meeting the regulatory requirements by the Bank?
Total (number of “yes”)
Remarks: The activity would be termed as material if either
Annexure 2: Outsourcing Agreement
The following sections must form a part of the outsourcing agreement.
Annexure 3: Reporting to ORMC
Annexure 4: Annual Compliance Certificate for the year ended March 31’ 20xx
i) Name of outsourced agency
ii) Details of work outsourced
iii) Period of contract
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